Wednesday 25 June 2014

my first day of media

1.)  I chose media because I find filming and editing fun and interesting. Also my sister told me that media was very fun as she did it for GCSE and A level’s.
2.)  In media I am looking forward to the editing the most because in the future I would enjoy working in computing or in the media.
3.)  The skills I hope to learn in media are how to edit in a professional way and learn how to film properly.
4.)  The grade I hope to achieve is at least a B however if I put in the effort in could possibly get to a A.
5.)  The last program I watched was Believe and the last movie I watched was Maleficent.
6.)  I think that Maleficent appealed to the audience because it was a twist of a fairy tale (Snow White) and that version had never been told before.
7.)  The technology I have used to access the media in the last 24 hours is the T.V and the computer.
8.)  The device I use most for accessing the media is the computer.
9.)    The former News of the World editor has been found guilty of hacking phones. His name is Andy Coulson. I think this is the main story because it is cruel that they hacked into a dead girl’s phone and her family thought that she was alive which gave them some hope.
10.)                    The main story on the Guardian is: Rupert Murdoch has been informed that he is wanted for an interview with the police due to the allegations on his newspapers. I think this is the main story because it is a crime that the people working for the newspapers were hacking into people’s phones to find out about their lives and get stories.